Cures for Gout

There are several cures for gout but none of them can guarantee that you will never have a gout attack again. Scientists are still trying to find a universal cure for gout, but because of the complexity of the disease his is not yet possible. However there are several cures one can try when suffering from a gout attack as well as different cures for preventing future gout attacks. Like any other disease, it is better to prevent gout development rather than treat it because the cure are usually lengthy and once diagnosed with gout there are several things to take into account.

To begin with it has been noticed that in most of the cases gout appears at people who are already suffering from heart or kidney diseases, diabetes or obesity. If you suffer from any of these conditions you are probably taking medication for a longer period of time and you should already have a balanced lifestyle. Sometimes even if one has a healthy lifestyle, gout can occur and in most of the cases other members from the family also suffer from gout. People who consume large quantities of alcohol are also predisposed to suffer from gout.

Most of the times gout is a disease that debuts with an attack on the joint from the big toe so there is actually no warning for the unbearable pain one feels during such an attack. The quickest cures for gout attacks involve finding ways to decrease the intensity of pain as well as taking measures to reduce the swollen joint. Thus the first and quickest cures for gout attacks are ice or cold running water on the inflamed area, a NSAIDs drug for instance indomethicin or ibuprofen and one or more natural remedies. On the list of natural cures for gout attacks natural juices from oranges or limes, vegetable juices and bananas are probably some of the things you have in your kitchen. If you cannot stand ice or cold running water on the joint you can try Epsom warm baths.

If these are some of the immediate cures for gout attacks, you will need to visit a medical doctor for a medicated gout cure. The medicines used for gout cures are colchicine, NSAIDs drugs to alleviate pain and corticosteroids. One will also be prescribed medications that enhance the secretion of uric acid from kidneys such as probenecid or medications that reduce uric acid production such as allopurinol. The medication prescribed for curing gout depends a lot on the other medical conditions the person suffers from. Sometimes vitamins, supplements, teas, tinctures or extracts from different herbs and natural plants are also recommended.

When considering other cures for gout than the one prescribed by your physician make sure the new things you want to try are not interfering with the medication you are already taking. For example if you are taking colchicines you should avoid drinking herbal teas as some of them may interact negatively on your medication for gout. Talking to a homeopath specialist also helps as he might be able to recommend other supplements or vitamins that can be helpful in curing and preventing gout attacks.

Gout Natural Remedy 4 Star

Gout Natural Remedy Report

Not too long ago my grandmother started accusing joint pains especially in her ankles and at the joints of the big toes. Her feet were swollen and she could hardly stand up let alone walk around the house. When we rushed her to the doctor, the diagnosis came quick and hard: gout. The doctor explained us how the uric acid crystallizes and installs at the joints and gave her several pills and creams to help her with the pain. When we got home I started searching on the internet information about gout and more importantly what was the best treatment for an older woman who suffered from other diseases too.

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